Applied Intuition Comments on the White House National Artificial Intelligence Strategy

Jul 31, 2023

Earlier this month, Applied Intuition provided comments in response to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy request for information on “National Priorities for Artificial Intelligence.”

In our comment, we discussed how, as an AI-enabled technology, autonomous vehicles (AVs) can revolutionize transportation and bring significant mobility and economic benefits to society. AVs will not only improve roadway safety by removing human error, but also provide expanded transportation access for Americans with mobility challenges, including people with disabilities and the elderly. AVs can also better connect rural and urban underserved communities to resources and jobs that have been previously out of reach due to limited transportation options. 

We also discussed the national security benefits of AI. Near-term national security applications of AI include supporting rapid analysis of intelligence, providing early threat warnings through advanced sensing, utilizing autonomous vehicles for military logistics, and enabling human-machine teaming for unmanned systems. Since autonomous capabilities can operate without fear, bias, or fatigue, they reduce the likelihood of fatal decisions, increasing mission effectiveness, lowering costs, and increasing warfighter safety. AI can also save precious time for command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems, such as sorting through massive amounts of data to provide insights and predictions. 

Validating the safety of both national security and transportation applications of AI through modeling and simulation tools is critical for the public to fully capture the accessibility, mobility, and economic opportunities they present.

Read our full comments here